All over this fine web site one can’t help but bump into the WHIZZ now and then. This design was resurrected from an obscure Popular Mechanics issue from the Fifties by Doug Sharp and passed off to Steve Lamb who added a sail plan designed by Jeff Brown. The first boat, “WHIZZ KID”, has been a great success by all counts. Your correspondent’s WHIZZARD, #2, has been fast, comfortable, capable and safe since launching in 2010. All up fuselage weight is about 100#. There are now twelve of the class throughout New England, including Cheese Whizz, Gee Whizz, Whizz-Bang and Whizzkey. Whizz Kid won the 2014 Eastern C Skeeter Regatta on Lake Champlain.

Plans include one sheet with full size bulkhead patterns and construction details, and one small sail plan sheet.


Sample Whizz plans

Please send thirty dollars ($30) to:

Bill Buchholz
31 Gosses Hill Rd.
Camden, ME 04843