CIBC Cheapskate Trophy

The “Cheapskate Commodore” is humbled by the generosity of Bunting for donating this elegant trophy. I wasn’t sure whether the trophy included Junior the dozer as a stand. We will likely need a committee to do the annual polishing. The complexity of the Victorian motif contrasts nicely with the art deco Cheapskate, if there is any art in the Cheapskate. I suppose any class of recreational device becomes more complex with time and we have to accept the inevitable. Thank you Bill, first the name and now the iconic trophy.

About Lloyd Roberts

Long time ice boater. Creator of the Gambit and Cheapskate boats. Author of the first definitive book on ice boating "Think Ice"One of the original members of the Chickawaukie ice boat club in Maine. Lloyd also lives on Chickawaukie and has played launch host to countless ice boaters over the years.
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